Well Church Check-Up
The Well Church Check-Up is currently UNDER CONSTRUCTION we are making some changes and will be up and running soon!
As a starting point, the Well Church Check-Up is a free resource for our Well Church Partners that provides a report of a church's physical, mental, religious, and spiritual health and wellness of their congregants. In a similar way we go to our doctor for a check-up, this is a check-up on your church. Below is summary of the MAP-IT steps to completing your Well Church Check-Up.
More details and help are provided for you once you are logged into your Well Church Account.
- Form a Well Church Committee with interest in health and wellness to oversee the Well Church Check-Up Process.
- Designate one member of the Committee to create a Well Church account.
- Create a new survey
- Market and distribute the online survey to your congregation
- View real-time results in your Well Church Report
- Review the findings from your Well Church Report for leading health concerns of your congregation
- Connect your Well Church Committee with your County Extension Agent and/or local health partners to help prepare a plan of action.
- Create a Well Church Plan to address the leading health concerns, including needed resources, education, and programs.
- Prepare an implementation process
- Who is implementing the plan?
- When is the plan being implemented?
- Where is the plan being implemented?
- How is the plan being implemented?
- Implement your Well Church Plan
- Evaluate the implementation and impact of your Well Church Plan.
- Did the plan produce the intended outcomes (e.g., increase in knowledge)?
- When did the planned activities occur (e.g., weekly, monthly, or yearly)?
- How were the activities shared/marketed (e.g., newsletter, social media, Sunday announcement, etc.)?
- Are congregants or community members being reached as intended (e.g., track attendance)?
Sign-up for an account at the top of the page. Once we verify that you are an official religious entity, we will send your account information through your email.
After receiving your account, account holders will create a survey series that has a unique link attached. The link should be shared with the congregants of the church registered with the account. The survey will available for 3 months for your congreants to take. After 3 months you can download your report at the click of a button.
The data for the Well Church Check-Up Report will be available in three different formats.
1) Raw Data format
A downloadable excel sheet with only raw data, available in Comma Seperated Value (.csv) file
2) Table format
Numerical processing has been provided with text for suggestions how to improve health and wellness of congregation
3) Visualized Data format (coming soon)
Numerical processing of data is visualized into charts (pie chart, bar chart, etc.), and suggestion is provide as well
Having data can help you effectively strategize your areas of focus to improve the health and wellness of your congregation.
- For instance, you have a high case of diabetes in your congregation. You can choose to seek out a diabetes education program through AgriLife Extension.
- Other options can include encouraging health care providers to run a health fair or provide a blood pressure screening at your church.
- In addition to focusing on health and wellness, having data can open up avenues for grants or financial needs for your community.
The data collected is anonymous, and will be primarily
(1) to prepare individualized church reports to help enhance knowledge of physical, mental, and spiritual wellness, as well as guide decision making for educational opportunities and resources;
(2) to prepare summary reports for academic research and publication purposes, furthering our current understand of health and religion; and
(3) to guide development of resources and educational opportunities, such as topics for our annual Well Church & Community Conferences.
We cover these areas:
- General Health
- Chronic Diseases
- Diet
- Physical Activity
- Smoking
- Food Security
- Immunization
- Mental Health
- Stress
- Religious and Spiritual Wellness